It’s been a minute. I broke the database when I moved servers in 2016. That was also around the same time I settled down in Germany after many many moons in Tiruvannamalai, Capitol of Advaitistan in the State of The Obviously Free. Basically, I didn’t have time or the words.
I also didn’t think I would find that drive to revive this blog. But hey! Never underestimate the Kings of Advaitistan and Beyond. Such provocative creatures. As far as Beyond reaches it is not a state, not a country, it might be an entirely different dimension that one ends up in after passing through the portal and while we know of two great expeditions currently mapping out the Beyond, we don’t expect them back any time soon.
I was supposed to be in India now. But as always – life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. And since current affairs have been airing on all kind of frequencies, I might just use current and flow and get some stories out.